Energy healing


energy healing

i work intuitively with energy, sound healing, and our spirit guides within the shamanic realms to create a peaceful, protected space that opens you up to heightened self awareness and spiritual expansion

My process is to take you on a gentle guided journey into a dreamy, relaxed state, followed by working with your energy body to release what needs to be released, clear and energise your energy centres, and connect you with the energetics of the Earth to alchemise the stagnant energies that are released. This brings balance, restoration and energy into your mind, body and soul. Energy healing can be used to bring clarity and awareness to energetic blockages and stagnant emotions which can elicit the body’s miraculous ability to heal itself.

These sessions can be virtual or in person in Wollongong, NSW.

I will also send you notes on what I pick up from the session within 24 hours.