"The only difference between where you are and where you want to be is the steps you haven’t taken yet." —Rigel Dawson

Soul medicine readings

This is a combined service where you receive channeled tarot guidance and a personalised energy healing/journey to get the most out of the guidance you recieve.

This helps you leave the session starting off on the right foot to aligning with the guidance of your highest self

Using my shamanic abilities in direct collaboration with your highest self, I offer a detailed oracle/tarot reading to discern the root of your chosen issue along with channeled guidance to help you heal the wounds that need tending, and a distance energy healing to assist you in shifting what blocks you from a higher frequency.

My zone of genius is identifying the patterns and blocks that keep you from living up to your highest potential, and helping you to unravel them to uncover the golden nugget of truth, that you are delightfully perfect exactly as you are.

These sessions are designed to support the awakening and healing process, giving you guidance and tools and frequency upgrades to help you along the way.


medicine reading Live

What to expect in a live session:
We begin by getting into a higher state through meditation, breath and energy work , then we will briefly discuss the problems you’re facing. I then begin the card reading, tuning in with your light council and highest self to get to the root of your issue and what kind of healing needs to be applied. I’ll then ask you to relax and will guide you through a somatic, shamanic process of journeying to your depths and retrieving the soul parts that have been lost - which might be a closed eye process, or it may be a conscious open eyed process - all is reveiled to us in the session. Its a deeply empowering process as you will engage yourself with the spirit realms aswell as members of your spirit team.

  • 1 x 60 min session

  • Investment $222

medicine reading recorded

For a recorded session, you will be sent a form to fill out to give me an idea of what problems you are facing, then I will tune in with your light council and highest self to assist in the reading and guide me on what particular healing you will require in the physical realm. While it’s not required for you to be present for the healing, it can be helpful to be in a restful state during the time booked. If you aren’t able to book a time when you can be in a restful state, I advise getting extra rest as much as possible on either side of the medicine reading.

  • 1 x recorded reading and notes from healing

  • Investment $88

    This is not a live reading/healing. You don't need to attend the booking - you'll receive a recording of the reading within 24 hours of your booking.

Let’s create a life you’re obsessed with



What happens during/after a session?

Using intuitive perception and dialogue with your unconscious mind, we will rewrite the neural representations that have commonly been around since childhood. We then replace them with beliefs and perceptions that will support you in accomplishing your goals. Each package varies, but they will generally utilise most or all of the following tools: Card Reading, NLP, Matrix Therapies, Shamanic Energy Work, Inner Child Healing, Shadow Work, Archetypal Energies, Energy Healing and Somatic Healing.

We will be delving deep into your psyche which can cause tiredness and can be emotionally draining. It is important to drink lots of water after a session and not do anything too emotionally or physically taxing so that you can integrate the shifts. In the days and weeks after a session you may notice subtle changes in your responses to triggers, shifts in perception and awareness, or more confidence and clarity in your day to day life.

What is Matrix therapies®?

Matrix Therapies® is an empowering set of transformational tools that examine and guide the unconscious mind while in a relaxed, meditative state to allow a person to let go and resolve any ineffective emotions or beliefs that are holding them back from their highest potential. It can be used to clear the negative thought patterns and behaviours, limiting beliefs, and negative influence of people and past events that dwell in the unconscious mind which can result in success blocks, self-sabotage, and a lack of self-love or self-worth.

What is NLP?

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and is the psychological approach that involves analysing patterns and strategies in behaviour that often cause conflict and limitations. This identification then allows for the process of changing the thoughts and behaviours to something positive and empowering.

What is shamanic journeying?

Shamanic journeying is a transformative practice rooted in ancient wisdom, utilizing sound healing instruments like drumming to induce a relaxed state conducive to deep exploration of the psyche. Through this journey, individuals communicate with their highest self and soul team, navigating the realms of shadow and archetypes, often discovering different aspects of themselves they didn’t even know existed. By communicating with the symbolism of the subconscious, one embraces their shadow aspects for healing and growth. The benefits include enhanced intuitive abilities, improved self-communication, and the cultivation of healthy boundaries. With a priority on healing the feminine wounds, shamanic journeying fosters profound self-discovery and integration for women ready for a truly empowered life.

What is somatic journeying?

Somatic journeying is a transformative practice centered on self-empowerment and regulation, emphasising the exploration of one's inner landscape through the body. By attuning to bodily sensations and cues, my clients embark on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling layers of emotions and experiences stored within. Through somatic practices such as mindful movement and breathwork, individuals cultivate a deep sense of safety internally, reducing reliance on external sources for validation and security. This journey fosters a profound connection with oneself, empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with resilience and authenticity. By fostering self-awareness and internal safety, somatic journeying facilitates holistic healing and empowers individuals to reclaim agency over their own lives.